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Exposing the scandal in end of life care in Britain today

calendar icon28 April 2023
location iconUK Nationwide
face iconNegative

Care received

medical iconEnd of Life Care


In this week’s edition of Politics Today, Simon Barrett will be joined by Lynda Rose and Robert Harris from Voice for Justice UK. They will be discussing their latest Parliamentary report, “When end of life care goes wrong.” This is about exposing the scandal behind the end-of-life care in Britain today. This report was presented to members of Parliament and the House of Commons last week to highlight the need to improve the dignity and quality of care at the end of life.
The report authors are aware of at least 800 people across the UK have made complaints from families of loved ones, who have received shocking and inhumane care that has resulted in premature deaths. There have been cases when patients have gone into hospital will relatively minor injuries or symptoms and have died weeks later due to lack of nutrition and hydration.
